May 2016

Greetings Brethren,

What a meal last night!!! Boy, can Joe Pfeiffer and Paul Reiff cook. Excellent job brothers.
No one has signed up for the June meal yet, so if you would be willing to do so, please contact our JW Adam Harder.

We had an update from our investment committee concerning their work with the American Funds, which now has in excess of $x,xxx. The reallocation of funds that they made in late January has been very beneficial to the lodge and I want to publicly thank them for the work. Following the advice from our financial planner, they have moved $x,xxx into a money market fund that will be needed to pay for our new roof.

The investment committee asked that the lodge as a whole stipulate how the money from the American Funds should be spent in the future. We voted on and passed the following statement;

The money from the American Funds investments may be used for with the consent of the lodge, but not limited to capital improvements, repairs or upkeep, remodeling, replacement or addition of needed equipment, or unforeseen expenses or expenditures incurred by the lodge.

Regarding the roof situation, the trustees are still obtaining quotes, but it appears that we will probably be spending approximately $x,xxx to re-roof the entire building.  However, the trustees are performing their due diligence on behalf of the lodge to make sure that they obtain as many quotes as necessary to make sure that the roof needs replaced and that we will be paying a fair price for any needed work or repairs.  We will keep you updated on the status of this project.

I also announced last night that Todd Smuts has decided to step down for the Senior Deacon due to a busy personal and work schedule that he felt was preventing him from dedicating the time necessary to the position.  I have appointed Steve Skiles to Senior Deacon position.

At our June Stated Meeting, we will have a presentation by Stephen Kroman, the Grand Photographer, on the Executive Committee Program.  Also joining us that evening will be the Grand Master Carey Carter.

Our by-law changes have all been approved by Grand Lodge.  However, I am going to hold off on having them re-printed until after the June meeting to see if we are interested in adopting the Executive Committee Program, which would necessitate another change to the by-laws.

In conjunction with Bluffton Bi-centennial Celebration, we will be moving our December breakfast from the 3rd Saturday in December to the 2nd Saturday to help kick off their event.  The proceeds from this breakfast and the November breakfasts will used as our Christmas giving, and will be split between the Shriner’s Children’s Hospital and the Shepard’s House in Fort Wayne.

The Annual Communication is on Tuesday and Wednesday, May 17-18, in Indianapolis with registration beginning at 8 a.m. and the Grand Lodge convening at 9:30 a.m.

Please be sure to attend the June Stated Meeting when the Ways and Means Committee will be making their presentation on the cost of dues for 2017.

SW Tim Simpson presented our Masonic education speaking on the history of Brother William R. Davie who was Grand Master of North Carolina from 1793-1799.  Brother Tim also spoke of Confederate and Union troops coming together under a flag of truce for Lieutenant Commander J. E. Hart of St. George’s Lodge #6 of New York after he was shot and killed while anchored in the Mississippi River on June 11, 1863 to conduct funeral services for their departed Brother on June 13.  Many years later, a marker was placed on his monument stating “This monument is dedicated in loving tribute to the universality of Freemasonry.”


David Barton
Worshipful Master
Bluffton Lodge 145

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