The Tresleboard April 2018

A big big WELCOME to spring……..well sort of!

Brothers – it is that wonderful time of the year where Mother Nature shows us the beauty of Spring, you know, all 4 seasons in a 24 hour period! Even though Mother Nature has problems making up her mind, your Brothers at Bluffton Lodge are charging ahead with a “Snow or Shine” list of great events for you to be involved in the next few weeks. We have multiple degrees, programs, events, and just social times that are here for you. It has been a long cold winter, and the Lodge is only a couple of clicks on the thermostat away from a great evening with brothers. Take a moment – call a brother that you have not seen for a while. Meet up at lodge and enjoy the Media Room, the pool or ping pong tables, or just pull up a chair and shoot the much warmer breeze than that which is blowing outside. The Lodge is all of ours to enjoy.

As we watch the temps warm and the days lengthen there will be many opportunities to help out as we will be scheduling clean up days to help open the Lodge up for the warmer months. We will post updates via email and Facebook as the dates are set.

Degree Work………….INCOMING!!!!!!!!

We have several young EA’s and Candidates that are in the process of starting or continuing their journey in Freemasonry. As these dates are scheduled, please watch your email for the announcements. If you are interested in joining in helping with the degrees – please respond back to this email or call the Lodge and we would be happy to get you in touch with the right Brothers.

Silent Auction

This is the last month for the silent auction that is being held in the Dining Hall, and there is a great selection of items that have been donated by Brothers for you to bid on. The last bids will be tallied at the end of dinner for the May 1st Stated Meeting. Results will be announced during the Stated Meeting that evening.

Travelers Journey Workshop

Bluffton Lodge will be hosting the Grand Lodge of Indiana’s Travelers Journey Workshop on April 19th at 7 PM. There will be light snacks and drinks provided as many local Lodges will join us in exploring a few new programs and enlightening ideas – Come join us for a evening of Masonic fellowship and education!

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