Monthly Archives: September 2017

The Trestleboard – The Fall Edition

From the East


It has been an extremely busy and expensive year here at 145, we have had a rededication that had brothers painting, cleaning, reorganizing rooms. Plumbing was repaired, bathrooms( the ladies) were reminded, water heater replaced, landscaping redone, and are now going to seal and stripe the parking! A lot of needed improvements have taken care of so the lodge can continue to serve our brothers far into the future! So much has been done that I do not see a need for any further expense for years to come. Now we are looking to the fall and holidays just around the corner. So many things fast approaching that will seem like a blur. Lodge of instruction, one day class, a breakfast maybe 2 which might even include a visit from Santa- a possible supper and more are in the near future! It is wonderful to see so much care and pride being taken in the lodge along with good stewardship regarding our finances as well. It will be with great pleasure to see our brothers as they enjoy all the benefits of the hard work put forth this year.

I am sadden to inform those who may not have heard that we lost our pillar participant Helen this fall, but I have been informed that we will be on the board to get another participant before long. It is also of note that the lodge has added a new feature in the building and will have available for purchase Masonic memorabilia and hats and ties and accessories this fall.

Again it has been a busy year and I think it will end with a flurry of exciting times for everyone. I sincerely hope to see everyone at our stated meetings and or the functions that will be taking place this fall.


WM. Tim Simpson

From The Trustees

This summer and fall have been incredibly busy for the trustees and many members who have graciously donated their time and talents to give the lodge a fresh look.  Before Street Fair, the trustees, Worshipful Master Tim Simpson, and many brothers took a Saturday to beautify the Lodge by updating the landscaping on all sides of the Lodge, and also around the sign.  The trustees would like to offer a hearty thank you to all who came and gave of their time.

Also during the summer, trampoline was donated by the Lodge to a local family who home and ravaged by a fire.  The young lady and her family were ecstatic by the donation and even where kind enough to write a moving article on Facebook about the Lodge.

Looking Ahead

September 26:  Annual Lodge of Instruction @ Van Buren Lodge in Van Buren, IN.  Dinner @ 6:00 pm with Lodge of Instruction afterwards.  Officers and Brothers please make sure that your calendars as we will make the trip to Van Buren, IN for out annual Lodge of Instruction.  Please RSVP with the secretary if you plan to attend for dinner.

October 3:  Stated Meeting at Bluffton Lodge at 7:30 p.m.

October 4:  Practice for Grand Master’s One Day Class  6:30 p.m.

October 11: Practice for Grand Master’s One Day Class 6:30 p.m.

October 14:  Grand Master’s One Day Class @ Mizpah Shrine Center in Fort Wayne, IN

Bluffton 145 will be presenting the Master Mason Degree.  Please come out and support Bluffton #145’s Degree Team as confer the MM Degree.

October 24:  Scottish Rite Bean Dinner @ Fort Wayne Downtown Temple 630 p.m.

November 7:  Stated Meeting at Bluffton Masonic Lodge at 7:30 p.m

Fresh Start for the Fall

A big big thank you!

After a summer of great degree work, an expertly put together rededication, and fantastic fellowship with other Brothers, we now find ourselves getting ready to start off the second half of 2017.  The Officers and Brothers of Bluffton Lodge # 145 would like to offer a hearty Thank You to all of the Brothers from our lodge and visiting lodges who assisted in the degree work this summer.  The fantastic work that was performed for our candidates would not have been possible without the generous donation of time and talent.

September Stated Meeting

Just a reminder that on the evening of September 5th we will hold our first State Meeting after our summer break.   There will be a magnificent meal to be served @ 6:30 pm, and followed by the Stated Meeting @ 7:30 pm.  Please keep in mind that there will be a lot of business, and we will attempt to move the meeting along an efficiently as possible.

Upcoming events:

August 30:  One Day Class Practice @ Bluffton Lodge 630 pm

If you have a part, or are interested in learning a part in the MM degree, please come out and enjoy a great learning experience.

September 5:  Stated Meeting @ Bluffton Lodge #145

September 9:  Masonic Home Festival @ Compass Park in Franklin, IN.

There is a group that will be leaving the lodge and riding their motorcycles down. Please email the lodge or PM Fred Lucabaugh if you are interested. Details to follow at a later date.

September 12:  Fort Wayne Valley Scottish Rite Stated Meeting

If you are interested in joining the Scottish Rite please reach out to any of the Officers and they will put you in contact with a local brother.

September 26:  Annual Lodge of Instruction @ Van Buren Lodge in Van Buren, IN 630 pm

Officers and Brothers please make sure that your calendars as we will make the trip to Van Buren, IN for out annual Lodge of Instruction.  Please RSVP with the secretary if you plan to attend for dinner.

October 3:  Stated Meeting

October 14:  Grand Master’s One Day Class @ Mizpah Shrine Center in Fort Wayne, IN

Bluffton 145 will be presenting the Master Mason Degree.  Please come out and support Bluffton #145’s Degree Team as confer the MM Degree.

October 24:  Scottish Rite Bean Dinner @ Fort Wayne Downtown Temple 630 pm

Thank you,

Nate Moyer